Epilogue Inspections   |   Jeff Frame   |   425-312-8976

Intruder Alert: Moisture!

Unchecked moisture intrusion can lead to structural defects in a home over time, as well as health problems for the home’s family. Some common moisture-related problems include: Structural wood decay High indoor humidity and resulting condensation Expansive soil, which may crack or undermine the home’s foundation, or softened soil, which may Read more…

An Introduction to Mold

What Is Mold?Mold is classified as a fungus and is part of the natural environment.  Outdoors, molds are essential for breaking down dead organic matter, such as fallen leaves and dead trees.  But indoors, mold growth should be prevented.  Not only is it unpleasant, as evidenced by its musty odor Read more…

Barbecue Safety

With barbeque season already here, homeowners should heed the following safety precautions in order to keep their families and property safe.Propane grills present an enormous fire hazard, as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is aware of more than 500 fires that result annually from their misuse or malfunction. The Read more…