Epilogue Inspections   |   Jeff Frame   |   425-312-8976


Jeff Frame

Serving Greater Seattle

from Bellingham to Olympia



Full Home Inspection

Specialty Inspections

  • Pre-Offer Consultation $300
  • Commercial Call for rate
  • Repair Addendum From $200
  • Well Flow Test $300

Home Inspection Add-Ons

  • Mold Surface Test $100
  • Outbuilding up to 1499 sq ft $200
  • Outbuilding 1500 - 1999 sq ft $250
  • Outbuilding 2000+ sq ft $300

Mold Inspection

  • Basic Mold Inspection $400

    Includes free control sample, one air sample, one surface sample, and background air particulate analysis in area of greatest concern.

  • Clearance Test $300

    Post-remediation visit to property inspected by Epilogue Inspections prior to remediation.

  • Surface Inspection $300

    Standalone visit to your property which does not include air samples.

Mold Inspection Add-Ons

  • Air Samples $75/ea

    Additional air samples collected during mold inspection or clearance test.

  • Surface Samples $75/ea

    Additional surface samples collected during mold, clearance, or surface inspection.

  • Expedited Results $75

Sewer Inspection

  • Sewer Scope $300

    Video report of your lateral sewer line.


  • Home + Mold $50 off
  • Home + Sewer $50 off
  • Home + Mold + Sewer $100 off

    All mold bundles include expedited results ($75 value).